ABN AMRO Rotterdam on high ISO B&W film

I made a spontaneous decision on Tuesday evening to buy tickets for a next day session of ABN AMRO tennis tournament taking place in Rotterdam, I packed my analogue camera (Nikon FA), three lenses and some high ISO film and drove off to Rotterdam on Wednesday morning. On the way there I also picked up my buddy Boris, who’s also a photography and tennis enthusiast.
After reaching Rotterdam Ahoy, funny enough, we didn’t last long seated on our designated seats. We actually spent the whole day moving around the tribunes and visiting different courts. The day flew by very fast and it was just a blast! It was definitely so cool to see players that previously I could only see on the small screen.
I decided to use Kodak Double X, which I pushed to ISO 800 and Kodak T-Max P3200 which I shot at ISO 3200. I used Ilford Microphen to develop film rolls at home and here are some of the shots that I like. Hope you’re going to enjoy them too!

PS It would be awesome to have a chance to be a part of the official press and take pictures from the pitch level :) Maybe one day?


Trip to the North Atlantic